Our prayer for you is that your contact with us will be a real blessing and encouragement to your life. We long to serve men and women from every walk of life, that they might come to see the Lord more clearly through us, and that they also might learn of the richness and joy of a life lived by the grace and power of God. We warmly welcome you to join us on Sundays, and look forward to serving you in any of the areas of ministry that God has given to us. Hickman Community Church is about people, not programs. We uphold a focus of training and equipping believers, caring, and serving each other in the fellowship.


Worship Service # 19:00 am

Worship Service # 210:45 am

Evening Service6:00 pm


Address          854 I St, Hickman, CA 95323

Phone                              (209) 874-1180

Email          office@hickmanchurch.org

Our History

Hickman Church had an interesting beginning. Mrs. Hickman and her daughter, while traveling in France, were impressed with a beautiful chapel which they visited. Mrs. Hickman had plans prepared in France and upon her return to Hickman, with the help of relatives and others in the community, financed the construction of an exact replica of the little French church. The building of the church was started about 1888 and finished in the year of 1891.

The church property was deeded to the Trusties of the Presbyterian Hickman Church, May 31 1892. The trusties were: Macie Hickman, Annie N. Jefferson, Delia Dallas, L.M. Hickman and A. B. Costigan. The church was incorporated in 1956.

Since then the church has gone through the many ebbs and flows of church life with so few meeting that the doors were closed at one stage. In contrast there have been so many attending that there have been up to three services on a Sunday morning to accommodate the numbers coming.

Today the church is a vibrant Evangelical Bible Community Church seeing wonderful growth and blessing as the Word of God is lifted to its rightful and exalted position, and as people love one another from the heart.

Our Core Values

The Elders at Hickman Community Church believe that it is imperative that our values are fully understood, practiced, shared, vigorously defended and preserved. This will help the church remain effective and focused on the prize of the upward call of God.

Bring Glory to God

The overarching purpose of our existence is to glorify God. All true believers understand that the goal of all that they do is for the purpose of glorifying God. (1 Cor. 10:31)

Live in the light of God's Sovereignty

To accept that God is in control of everything in our life, and that His ways are not our ways; that human choice is God’s sovereign means to His predetermined ends. (Rom. 11:33-36)

Hold to the centrality of the Word of God

We glorify God as a church by preaching, studying and obeying the truths of God’s Word. The Word of God is our infallible, inerrant and sufficient authority. God’s Word is superior to all, and is not limited by anything. God only honors those who honor His Word. (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 4:2)

Maintain the priority of Prayer and Worship

We are called to live out our lives as living sacrifices, dying to self and living for God. The only appropriate response to God’s amazing love toward us is to live our lives in worship to God and in complete dependence on the Lord through prayer. Worship and prayer are not secondary practices in the Church but are the life and breath of the Church. (Rom. 12:1-12; Phil. 4:6-7)

See the Church as God's method and means to accomplish his purposes

The local church is the God given pattern for equipping the saints and evangelizing the world. It is in the context of the local church that one is nurtured, established, trained and commended for the work of proclaiming effectively the gospel to a dying world. (Matt.16:18-19; Acts 13:1-4; 2 Tim. 2:1- 2)

Uphold a qualified plurality of elders and leadership

We believe that qualified and functioning leadership are God’s intended means to provide protection and direction for the flock of God. God’s design for leadership in the Church is that a plurality of godly men should lead. We believe in complete plurality and unanimity of elders in their leadership. (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Tit. 1:5-9)

Focus on the Importance of the Family

Christianity begins at home. Discipleship begins in the home. The family is the primary place for God’s instruction, prayer, fellowship and evangelism. The elders and the members of HCC are committed to growing strong families because strong families produce strong churches. (1 Tim. 3:4; 5:4)

Evangelizing the Lost

Our mission on earth is to make disciples of all nations by loving them with the gospel. We do this through indiscriminate preaching to the lost, so that they might be saved. We will live out our lives evangelistically knowing that God desires all men to be saved! (Matt. 9:36-38; 1 Tim. 2:4)

Church Gatherings Prioritize Christian's Maturity over Evangelizing the Non-Christian

We gather to equip the saints and scatter to evangelize the lost. This is a simple truth that has profound implications. The Bible teaches us that in ministry, priority is to be given to fellow Christians and then to the world. The apostle Paul outlines this paradigm of ministry in Ephesians 4:11-16. Our love for one another is to be a priority over our love for the world. It is a sincere love for one another that will attract the world to Christ. (John. 13:34-35)