Student Ministry
All high school students are invited to join us in any of our weekly meeting times to study God's Word and build relationships with one another.
When: Every Wednesday at 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Location: Hickman Community Church in the Family Center
What to Expect: Games, snacks, and fellowship! Worship, teaching, and discipleship!
When: Every Sunday morning at 9am
Location: Hickman Community Church in Portable Classroom
Book: The Gospel of John
Focus: The Gospel of John is foundational to any biblical worldview. It is simple in its presentation, yet profound in its understanding. The purpose of this book is that you would believe that Jesus really was who He claimed to be, the Son of God. Join us this Fall semester, as we journey through this book and discover life changing principles through the eyes of the Apostle John.
Lead by Josh Taylor
IMPACT | JR HIGH | 7th - 8th
Upcoming Events
The purpose of the Sunday teaching service is:
All Jr High students are invited to join us as we purpose to exalt God through the teaching of His Word. We desire to ground the students by learning sound doctrine, and our hope is to prepare them to stand for Christ in a secular culture.
When: Every Wednesday of the month at 6:30 - 8:00
Location: Hickman Community Church in the Family Center
What to Expect: Games, snacks, and fellowship! Worship, teaching, and discipleship!
When: every Sunday morning at 9am
Location: Hickman Community Church in the Library Classroom
Book: Revelation
Focus: This semester during our equipping hour, we will walk together through the book of Revelation. Just as the book of Genesis is a critical foundation stone to the Christian faith, the study and understanding of Revelation is just as critical. God not only informed us how the world began, but also He declared how it would end!
Lead by Jeff Porter
The purpose of HCC Youth ministry is to assist parents in the evangelizing and discipling of their teenagers with the desired result of lives conformed to the image of Christ.
"Whether you eat or drink do all to the glory of God."1 Corinthians 10:31
The focus of the ministry is not on entertainment, but on the thinking of teenagers; not on programs, but on people; not on self and what I can get out of this ministry, but on God and what I can bring to this ministry. Youth ministries must not be seen as an island on its own. It is a vital part of the whole church. In fact, any youth ministry that will have lasting impact and growth must work with not only the youth, but also their parents. If there is no integration into the life of the church as a whole, then the youth ministry fails to be Biblical. The ministry to young adults includes a weekly outreach called Ascend and Sunday morning all age instruction groups, plus a monthly social event during the summer vacation time. The purpose for Ascend is outreach into the youth who would not otherwise attend church functions.
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart....soul....mind."Matthew 22:37
Get In Touch
If you have any questions about the youth ministry, please contact either Josh or Jeff.