Music Ministries at HCC


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The GOAL OF Music Ministries:

That God would be glorified by His Church singing songs of praise from a thankful heart, with the mind engaged, focusing on His glory.

…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.Ephesians 5:19

Music has become as great a part of our modern culture as perhaps at any time in history.  We have radios, tvs, cd players and mp3 players in our homes, cars, and even pockets.  Not only is music accessible, but the type of music is more diverse than ever, and the ability to make your own music is easier than ever.  Music is used to promote political agendas (pro or anti-war sentiment), to communicate feelings in relationships (“I love you, I hate you, parents don’t understand”), and even to inspire with positive, encouraging thoughts or ideas.  Many songs play just as well on secular stations as Christian stations.  With the prevalence and use, or misuse, of music in many facets of life today, what is its place in the Church?

Music in the Bible was used to commemorate, consecrate, coronate, dedicate, and celebrate the Lord’s working and provision.  Singers and musicians alike are called to rejoice in the Lord, and all are called to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.  However, music in the Church today, along with the preached Word of God, has become less offensive, taking out references to man’s sin and Christ’s blood.  The mind has been disengaged by repetitive songs that don’t say much at all.  Styles of music have been altered to match that of the world, making no distinction between a church service and a rock concert.  Christian music has come to mean that which is void of anything immoral.  Personal preferences regarding styles of music often determine which service, and even which church, a person will attend, traditional or contemporary.

While we should not seek to be offensive ourselves, the gospel is offensive to the unbeliever and so should the music that praises God for the gospel.  We should be engaged with our whole bodies in bringing the sacrifice of praise to the Lord.  We are called to be in the world but not of the world.  There should be a difference between our music and that of the world.  At Hickman Community Church we are committed to developing a music strategy based on Biblical principle.

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.Colossians 3:16-17
We call this a philosophy of “music ministry” and not a philosophy of “worship ministry” because Biblical worship involves the presenting of ourselves in totality – that is every part of our bodies and lives – as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God (Rom. 12:1-2).  Therefore, corporate worship involves every part of our church services including, prayer, giving, teaching, and music, etc.  Furthermore, because the focus of our corporate worship in music is to please God, and not people, we draw the following eternal, unchanging principles from God’s Word.

  • That our congregational worship would be directed at giving thanks to the Lord, singing His praises, making known His deeds, proclaiming His salvation and glorying in His name (I Chron. 16:8-36).
  • That we would worship in spirit and in truth (Jhn 4:24).  Specifically, that our time of singing would be neither cold orthodoxy nor shallow emotionalism but rather the mind and the spirit should be involved (I Cor. 14:15).  The lyrics should be in accordance with the Scripture, accurate, rich in thought, and understandable, and the music should be singable, emotionally fitting and reverential.
  • That those who are called to lead in congregational worship or share in special music would be those showing skill in a musical area as gifted by God for the edification of the saints (2 Chron. 34:12);  that they be teachable and submissive to those who oversee the ministry of music (Heb. 13:17).
God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”John 4:24

STRATEGY OF Music Ministry

  • To appoint a worship leader who will be accountable to the elders for the implementation of the music philosophy and strategy.
  • To have the pastoral staff teach the congregation from Scripture what is and what is not true worship.
  • To provide a theme or train of thought to aid in the cohesiveness or flow of music.
  • To choose congregational songs that focus primarily on God, His character and His works.
  • To choose songs that teach the congregation about God and what our response should be to Him.
  • To search out singers and/or musicians within the church that might serve in music ministry.
  • To train up in music those who are willing and able. In general to increase the congregation’s appreciation of music and skill in music, and specifically to provide future servants in music ministry.
  • To provide opportunities for all to serve through choirs, both adult and children’s.
  • To be accountable to the elder board for protection in approval of music selection and those providing special music.