Your first time here?
Welcome to Hickman Community Church
We’re thankful that you’ve found us on the internet and hope we’ll see you in person soon.
Who we are
Hickman Community Church (HCC) is an evangelical church whose mission is to glorify God by extending His kingdom through expository preaching, discipleship, prayer, and evangelism.
For more on what we believe, see our doctrinal statement.
Sunday Services
Worship Service # 1 9:00 am
Worship Service # 2 10:45 am
Evening Service 6:00 pm
Where we are
We’re located in California’s beautiful central valley at 854 I St, Hickman, CA 95323
Want to talk to us in person? Here’s our contact information.
What we are doing
We meet on Sunday mornings and evenings to worship God corporately in teaching, music, and prayer.
As the body of Christ, we love and serve each other and those around us every day. During the week, we have discipleship groups, Junior High and High School groups, Home Bible studies, children’s ministries, and community outreach.
Looking for something specific for you? Try our ministries page.

What to expect on Sunday
Enter the main parking lot to the right of the buildings for the main South Parking Lot where there is plenty of parking.
What to Wear
HCC has no specific dress code. On Sundays, you’ll see everything from jeans and t-shirts to shirts and dresses. All the Lord requires is modesty.
Mobile Devices
Mobile devices are welcome for note taking and Bible use. Please silence them before service begins. We also have free guest wifi on campus.
Youth Ministry
We have both Impact (Junior High) and Doxa (High School) Ministries.
Hickman Bible Institute
We have three adult classes designed to spur you on in your knowledge of the Word of God. There are two classes during each of the Sunday AM Worship Services. Also we provide fresh coffee and tea, during the fellowship time between the two Worship AM services. Each class starts 20 minutes after the beginning of the Worship service and these classes cover a variety of topics. For a full and current list of groups and locations, click here.
If You Have Children
If you have children aged 0-3 years on Sunday morning, you may drop them off at the Nursery before either service. Older children worship with their parents in the main service and are released to age appropriate teaching time before the sermon begins. We have various children’s classes split into their age groups meeting in the Heritage Center. The children will be ready for you to pick up from their classroom at the end of the Worship service. We take the care of our children seriously and have strict policies for those who are watching over them whenever we meet together. You can find more information on our children’s ministry page.
The Service
Services begin at 9:00, 10:45, and 6:30 pm. You may find a seat yourself, or ask one of the ushers to assist you. Our services typically begin with Prayer, Scripture reading and 15 minutes of musical praise and worship, followed by a 45 minute sermon.
After Service
After service, parents should immediately return to the nursery or Heritage Center to pick up their children. Workers may only release children to those who were assigned as approved to Pick Up/Drop off or have their child’s assigned pager.