We're excited to have you at our first - and hopefully only - Virtual Vacation Bible School (VBS). Every day, from June 22nd-26th, a new virtual VBS video will be released below. The video will be hosted on Youtube Kids, so you can subscribe over there too.
Each video will include these parts - you can pause at places where you might need more time (Craft Cove, for example), and then hit play when you're ready to pic up again.
- Welcome to IncrediWorld Amazement Park
- Virtual VBS Friends
- Featured Creatures
- IncrediWorld Singalong
- Concession Stand
- Wow Zone Bible Time
- Wow Zone - with Rollercoaster Reese
- Craft Cove
- Midway Games
- IncrediWorld Stage Drama
If you've officially registered for VBS, you'll have picked up a take-home box filled with coloring pages, snacks, craft materials, and games to follow along with the videos at home. That box is one way we've created an interactive experience for your kid(s).
Another way to interact with us an others, is through our password protected VBS Photo Gallery. We'd love for you to snap photos or video of your kids participating, and upload the images to be added to the private image gallery. Your kid(s) will be able to see everyone else who is taking part at the same time, and we'll be including some of those images during VBS the next day. (How fun for your kids to see themselves on the screen!!)
Finally, we encourage you to find another family who has registered for virtual VBS and watch together. This year we can't have a hundred kids all together at the HCC campus, but you can make it more fun by joining together as small groups. Every day's video will be left below, so if you need to take a break or go on vacation, feel free to complete the program at a later date. (Just make sure you're registered so you get your take-home box)